F&B Space

30 pax

We’re big on gastronomy, but you should also know that our F&B space is ever-ready to undergo metamorphosis and turn into a full-fledged event space that’s best catered to your needs too. Our F&B Space welcomes 30 without a hitch, which makes it Hotel Soloha’s biggest event space. Hosting a training session for barista wannabees? Or looking to host a get-together for board game lovers? Look no further than Hotel Soloha’s F&B space.

Tropical modern artisan furnishing, vinyl turn-table, glass tube amps, Hi-Fi System, full-open kitchen for private cooking, broadcast speakers & projectors also available

Prices vary depending on the event. Please let us know about your event by dropping us a friendly email here.
Please include “[F&B Space]” at the start of the subject field in your email.

Book your stay Staycay Promos!

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